Master Thesis
The Library collects, stores and communicates only the master thesis defended at the university, and with honours, (your grade must be at least 16/20).
If you would like to submit your master thesis to the library, you will need the following documents :
- The master thesis as a pdf file.
- a copy filed, signed and scanned of the broadcast agreement
- the scan of the grade being at least 16/20.
Once it is done, the thesis can be viewed from Octaviana, either :
- in restricted access to the UP8 community with online verification
- in open access available freely.
Doctoral Thesis
10 weeks prior to your thesis defense, you will have to come to the library to submit your thesis ; according to the Arrêté du 25 mai 2016. This will ensure the conservation of your work.
Ways and means :
Weekly time slots are available on Mondays and Wednesdays between 11.00 and 13.00.
Your presented thesis must be identical to the one you are going to defend.
For doctoral students living outside the parisian area, you can contact your research service to deliver your thesis remotely.
We will only publish your thesis on the university intranet.
If you accept to publish it online, the thesis will be available (to browse and to download) from the French thesis portal, and from Octaviana, the university’s virtual library. It will help your work gain traction and access a wider audience, enabling it to be read and quoted more often.
You will need :
- the thesis as one PDF file, named as follow : YYYY-MM NAME [3 first letters of your thesis]
(for instance : 20XX-01 SCOOBY Doo) - the thesis file in its native format (DOC, ODT, …) with the same name pattern
- One file DOC or ODT with the thesis title in French and in English, a summary of 1,700 characters (spaces included) written in both languages
- the completed bordereau de soutenance of your thesis,
(With the help of a librarian, you have to attribute upto 5 key-words describing the thesis according to the RAMEAU indexation language),
- the publication agreement for the electronic version, in which the author states if they allow for the thesis to be widely available on the internet, or if they would prefer a more restricted access.
If the doctoral student does not have the publishing rights or if some elements are confidential and they still want to publish the thesis on the internet, they will have to bring, another version with the sensitive material redacted.
N.B. if the appendixes have sounds or animated pictures, they will have to be submitted in a separated file in either format : AAC, AIFF,FLAC, MKV,MPEG‑4, OGG, WAV.
If you have any questions please contact :